
Worship, Thanksgiving & Praise - A Triumphant Life

Air Date: January 24th & 25th

It’s time to prepare for the fullest life God has for us. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson talks about what it looks like to lead a life of worship. Worship is not about music, or a location, or a time of the week. It’s about an attitude—a life yielded to the Lord and His direction. A time of great change has arrived. Are we willing to grow to know the Lord in a new way so we can gain fresh stability, hope, and purpose? Or will we be swept along in the torrent of rebellion against God? Pastor Allen helps open our imaginations to what it means to be a people who worship God.

God Is Moving - Lessons in Listening

Perhaps the single most consistent characteristic of the people of God, throughout the Bible, is they listen to God’s voice. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers insight on what it means to listen to the Lord and provides steps we can take to draw closer to God so we can hear Him better. In Judges 6 and 7, God gave Gideon a very difficult and seemingly impossible assignment, and his willingness to follow the Lord led to supernatural results. God continues to call people into challenging assignments today, and deciding to listen and obey His direction comes with many blessings and benefits.

God Is Moving - Let's Join Him

If you sense that God is moving and causing changes in the world around you, let your response be, “I want to move with You, God.” In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson helps us recognize when God is moving and how we can engage with that movement. Blessings come with following God in new ways, but choosing to ignore or reject His invitations comes with consequences. Pastor Allen discusses several characteristics that take place when God is in motion and offers actions we can take to be awakened to what He is doing and the important role we each play in His unfolding plan.

Discerning the Times

September 29, 2021

When God moves, what does that mean? How do you navigate through a season of transition? What does it look like to live in the middle of a miracle? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson offers insight on how to discern what God is doing in our present world. Using Scripture, he highlights behaviors and habits we need to avoid, and those to intentionally cultivate, as we continue following God into uncharted times.